Armatur, Wasserhahn


We have been producing valves for customers in the sanitary field for many years.

For hygiene reasons, electronic non contact fittings are compulsory in public areas and in installations for the physically handicapped. These are also starting to find favour in the domestic market.

The trend in this industry is to get away from large valves and to concentrate on compact valves for easy installation into sanitary fittings.

We have been preparing for this development in the market for some time and can now offer a variety of compact products. In case a suitable solution is not available from the standard range we also offer custom designed solutions according to your requirements.

Many of our products are already certified to national or international standards. Others can be offered on demand.

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A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG

Dresdener Straße 162
D - 40595 Düsseldorf 

Telefon: +49 211 73 91-0
Telefax: +49 211 73 91-281

E-Mail: info(at)


A.K. Muller (UK) Ltd.
Unit 4, Brookside Business Park
Brookside Avenue, Rustington
GB - West Sussex BN16 3LP

Tel: +44 1903 788 888
Fax:+44 1903 785 817

E-Mail: valves(at)


A.K. Müller France
10 Avenue du Gué Langlois
Z.A.E du Gué Langlois
F-77600  Bussy Saint Martin

Telefon: +33 1 64 62 95 14
Telefax: +33 1 64 62 95 12

E-Mail: info(at)



A. u. K. Müller Shanghai
Rm26D, Huadu Mansion,
Zhangyang Rd. 838,
Shanghai, 200122, China

Telefon: +86 21 58 20 40 80
Telefax:  +86 21 58 20 42 12

E-Mail: info(at)



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