Dialyse Medizintechnik



We manufacture to internationally accepted standards and the requirements of national and international certifying bodies. Often the gaining of a national certificate can open up that country's market. Many of our products therefore, have already a certification or can be obtained on customers request.
We already take the need for approval of our products  into account during development or modification. The selection of suitable materials and a standards compliant design is, therefore, of great importance.
The following is a selection of frequently demanded certifications:

VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V.
The VDE certified valves are usually in accordance to EN 60730. Beside the VDE mark an ENEC mark is applied to the product which in principle is valid for the whole of Europe.
It is checked for the functionality as well as the electrical safety of the products.

UL - Underwriters Laboratories 
Similar to the VDE approval, products are approved by UL for functionality and electrical safety. Wherever possible approval is sought for the entire North American market, i.e. United States and Canada..
The standards UL 429 and C22.2 Canadian. 0 and 139 are especially relevant to us in this market.

NSF -National Sanitation Foundation 
The NSF approvals are divided into different areas. Important to us are ...

  • NSF/ANSI 61 - "Drinking Water System Components"
    for cartridge valves used for contact free actuated tapware.
  • NSF/ANSI 169 - "Commercial Food Equipment" (NSF/ANSI 51)
    for a variety of other products that are used in applications where water is almost looked at as food.

Tested for the use of non toxic materials rather than function.

A.u.K. product is available at LINK:



WRAS - Water Regulation Advisory Scheme
Those who want to supply plumbing products for drinking water in the UK market, need a WRAS approval.
In addition to the check on functionality a hygienic material test in accordance to BS6920 is required.


ACS - Attestation de Conformité Sanitaire 
This approval is a hygienic test of materials in water contact and is mandatory in France. Without ACS approval of materials or other components for use in drinking water, this market remains closed.


[Translate to English:] Weitere Trinkwasserzulassungen

Further approvals for potable water

SVGW for Switzerland or the DVGW for approvals in Germany.
Not to forget the fulfillment of the German guidelines (e.g. KTW) for hygienic assessment of organic materials that are published by the Umweltbundesamt (UBA - Federal Environment Agency) as recommendations.

With the respective national implementations of European drinking water regulations further approvals may become relevant in the future. For example, the hygiene ATA registrations in the Netherlands (Attest Toxicologischen Aspecten) or the Danish "Approval scheme for building components that come into contact with drinking water."

A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG

Dresdener Straße 162
D - 40595 Düsseldorf 

Telefon: +49 211 73 91-0
Telefax: +49 211 73 91-281

E-Mail: info(at)akmueller.de


A.K. Muller (UK) Ltd.
Unit 4, Brookside Business Park
Brookside Avenue, Rustington
GB - West Sussex BN16 3LP

Tel: +44 1903 788 888
Fax:+44 1903 785 817

E-Mail: valves(at)akmuller.co.uk


A.K. Müller France
10 Avenue du Gué Langlois
Z.A.E du Gué Langlois
F-77600  Bussy Saint Martin

Telefon: +33 1 64 62 95 14
Telefax: +33 1 64 62 95 12

E-Mail: info(at)akmuller.fr



A. u. K. Müller Shanghai
Rm26D, Huadu Mansion,
Zhangyang Rd. 838,
Shanghai, 200122, China

Telefon: +86 21 58 20 40 80
Telefax:  +86 21 58 20 42 12

E-Mail: info(at)akmueller.de



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